Friday 13 December 2013

About Me!

Hello, my name is Mr Darcy and welcome to my blog.
I am a 4 year old Standard Wirehaired Dachshund although I am not very wiry! Its mums fault as she sent me to the vets when I was 6 months old to be 'done'! Mainly because I like to wiggle my hips in inappropriate ways. Although the operation doesn't seemed to have helped!!! Mum keeps threatening to trade me in for a new model that is actually wiry. But I'm not worried, I have them all wrapped my paw.

I am very laid back provided I can sit on someone or someones seat as soon as they have got out of it.My favourite place to lie was infront of the solid fuel Rayburn, but the family have gone 'green' and had the Rayburn removed and a Biomass boiler put in!
I love cheese. I refuse to come back when called, well why should I! I will entertain my parents by fetching a toy they throw, but not more than a couple of times. If they want to keep throwing it they can fetch it themselves.

I love to get wrapped up in a blanket or duvet, the warmer the better. Even better still is getting up for breakfast, then a quick constitutional, then back to bed again!

I hate rain and will avoid going out in it at all costs! I can't climb stairs so I have to sit and wait on the stair where I sit!

This is just some of my loving habits, I shall pop back very soon to update you all.



  1. Why Mr. Darcy Sir. I guess you have captured my heart as you are a kindred spirit. I love my owners to the extent that I go to bed with them and when it's really cold I tunnel under the bedclothes head first. I also have them wrapped round my paw! Love from an admirer. Woof.

    1. Thanks for popping over to see my blog Muffin Allen. Its quite easy to wrap owners round paws, you just have to give that look!!!
